Slowly images flooded her head, blurry then gradually they cleared Ed's memories had always been more vivid to her than most people’s even when he was not sleeping. She looked into his gentle golden eyes then closed her own. She felt his grip on her hand tighten and they both leaned in until they were close enough that she could feel his breath on her face.
#We were here together alchemist skin#
Images filled her mind as their skin touched. Slowly, Noah reached back, and her fingers softly laced with his. Ed blinked at her, surprised, then held out his hand as she almost apologized. It was an impulsive question, born only from her curiosity. Me and Al used to compete to see who can make the best flower crown for Mom.” Ed looked around the small garden fondly then pointed at a small plot in the corner, his eyes far away. Noah had seen her from Ed’s memories and the photos around the house-the woman with brown hair and gentle eyes who had loved Ed and Al so dearly that they committed a taboo just to see her smile again.
#We were here together alchemist how to#
She taught us how to make flower rings with them, too.” Mom loved them so much that she made a special plot and cared for them everyday. “It’s a fairly simple transmutation I gave the seeds already in the ground enough energy so they can sprout and bloom,” Ed said, his eyes turning wistful. He kept insisting it was science but Noah couldn’t think of it as anything other than magic. No matter how many times Ed showed her what alchemy was capable of, she was always amazed. When the light had died down, Ed picked up the wreath and gave it to her. Green plants sprouted from the edge and slowly moved to the center of the circle, where they weaved together to form a ring and, before her eyes, buds grew then bloomed into beautiful blue flowers. Noah gasped as it flared to life, each line shining until the whole array glowed. She recognized the symbol for the earth and how the lines were designed, to make sure the energy flowed the right way.Įd sat back when he finished and he gave the drawing a once-over before grinning in satisfaction.“Watch this,” he said, as he put his hands together and touched the ground at the outer edge of the circle. She tried to remember the books she read, connecting the circle's detail with what she learned.

They sat in the garden, the sun reflecting off Ed’s metal arm as he carefully drew the array on the ground. From the color of the sky to the smell of the soil, so much was the same and yet not. Noah still couldn’t shake the habit of comparing Amestris to Earth. The midday sun shined high in the sky, bright and hot not unlike her old world’s. The wind played with her hair and left goosebumps down her arm as it swept past.